July 27

15 Rottweiler Pitbull Mix Facts You May Have Not Known


Rottweiler Pitbull MixWant a friendly dog that’s rugged on the outside yet a softy on the inside, smart yet goofy, adorable yet alert, all the while, looking the charmer? That’s the ‘Pitweiler’ for you! The breed is gaining popularity among many, especially Rottweiler/Pitbull lovers.

Dog lovers often want to own a unique dog. Gone are the days when purebreds were the only ones to represent status. Pitweilers are a mixed dog breed, bred on purpose to serve as guard dogs as well as companions. Sadly, they are stuck with some misconceptions regarding their bloodlines and behaviors. Pitweilers thrive in the right hands. Isn’t that the case with anything and anyone? So why all the fuss? Let’s spread the word about these adorable little guys, and strive to make this world a friendlier place for them to live in, where they feel loved and accepted.

Let’s explore some facts regarding this breed that has come to be, by crossbreeding American Pitbull Terriers with Rottweilers. Here are 15 facts you need to know about Pitweilers, that hopefully will help reveal their real reputation and dispel all myths.

There are three things you need to know about the rottweiler pitbull mix

  • They are not vicious or mean (any dog without training could be so), quite the opposite if trained and socialized well.
  • They are low maintenance dogs that are excellent companions.
  • They are great with kids and old people, as guard dogs.

1.British-Roman-German roots…Pitweiler ancestors

Here are some fun facts about their parents- the Rotties, and the Pitties. This gives a good idea of their personality traits and bloodline history.

The Rottweiler also known as ‘Rotties’ :

These scary-looking guys have their roots in Ancient Rome. While Rome was busy trying to conquer Europe back in the day, guess who accompanied their armies everywhere? Drover dogs (mastiff-like dogs). In South Germany, they crossed these dogs with sheepdog breeds that resulted in the Rottweiler breed we see today.

They get their name from the place called Rottweil, also known as Das Rote Wil, where they came into existence first. Roman soldiers took these dogs around with them to herd and guard cattle, which the soldiers took with them everywhere they went, as a source of food. The Rottweiler is one of the oldest herding dog breeds in the world. They are loyal, protective, and gentle with their owners, yet ferocious when they sense danger.

The Pitbull also known as ‘Pitties’:

‘The American Pitbull Terrier’ type of pitbull is usually used, to breed Pitweilers. These were bred from Molosser type dogs that were initially used for pit fighting, and to bait bulls and bear in the 1800s in Britain. They are smart like a terrier, and fierce and loyal like a bulldog. They are also called ‘Nanny dogs’ as they are good with children.

2. Recognition

In the world we live in today, there are many breeds of dogs and many kennel clubs/associations where you can register your canine or a dog breed. It helps the dog gain credibility. Many misunderstood dogs have enjoyed a changed reputation after reputed kennel associations/clubs chose to look into the matter, and permit eventual registry and promotion of the breeds.

Pitweilers’ parents are banned in many countries, both for ownership and for breeding purposes. Dog lovers are trying to change that through getting these dogs registered and recognized officially by the whos-who in the business. Pitweilers are now recognized by the Dog Registry of America Inc. (DRA), the United Kennel Club in the UK, and the International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR). This is great news and can cause the legalities to change in their favor eventually, the world over.

3. They have many names

Every breed has a bunch of names they’re lovingly called by and referred to as. The Pitweilers are no different. Check out these fun names given to them:

  • Rottbull
  • Prott
  • Rotten Pit
  • Rottie pit
  • Bullrot
  • Rott n Pitt
  • Rottpit
  • American Pitweilers
  • Rottweiler Pitbull mix

4. Pitweilers are designer dogs

Nowadays, ‘designer dogs’ are gaining popularity. There is a growing demand for Rottweiler-Pitbull mixed-breed dogs. This hybrid dog breed is a strong designer dog. Most of the cross-breeding for this particular breed started in America and continues there, to this day. Not every Pitweiler comes from a 50-50 purebred parent couple of a Rottweiler and a Pitbull. Some are crossbred multi generationally.

When looking to buy, make sure you verify the breeder and all the certificates needed to confirm who the parents are, of the dog you want. It will give you an idea of what you might be in for. If you get them as a pup, socialize and train them, and they’re good to go. Make sure you check health certificates and other required certificates you need to make an informed decision. Owning a dog is a big commitment, designer, or not.

5. Facts about their bodies

From a Pitweiler with a blue nose to one with tiger stripe-like coats, let’s look at some physical characteristics they are capable of possessing. The following facts are a result of nature and nurture.

COLOR OF THE COAT: Black, blue, red, white, fawn, sable, brown, golden, chocolate, brindle (tiger stripe-like pattern on the coat), merle, and speckled, with blue, grey, or red. (Yes, blue! You read that right!)

HEIGHT: Males are usually taller than females. Their average height, when on their fours, is 16-18 inches. They grow to their full height, usually around 18 months of age. They can stand to a height of about 25 inches.

WEIGHT: They have a tendency to get fat if they do not exercise every day for at least 1-2 hours, depending on their size. The average weight is between 45 to 100 pounds. Male Pitweilers are usually heavier than their female counterparts.

EARS: Can be either cropped at the vet or left to flop around. By nature, they have short ears.

EYES: Black, brown, or light eyes.

NOSE: Short and round shaped. Color varies from brown, black-blue, grey, red, to a speckled look.

HEAD SHAPE: Broad with deep muzzles

TAIL: Curled and long

BODY: Stocky, muscular, and strong. They stand low to the ground. Some have shorter legs than others. Paws are broad and padded.

COAT: Single or double-coated and glistens in the light. Sheds less. Usually short hair.

BARK: Loud and deep.

6. Personality facts

They get their temperament from their Rottie-Pittie parents.

The Good

They are very loyal and playful if trained/socialized well as a pup. Pitweilers love their owners and are fiercely protective over them. They are great with kids and the elderly, as guard-and-guide dogs. These playful canines are good for bringing the family together for playtime. They love goofing around, running, and dashing into corners, and cuddling up to their owners. They have no sense of personal space and can be very clingy at times in a cute way! They behave under firm commands.

The Sad

These canine cuties are big softies on the inside, even though they are some of the most ferocious-looking dogs out there. They hate being bored and alone. They tend to act aloof sometimes and get depressed if you don’t give them enough attention.

The Ugly

Leave them alone for too long, and they WILL let you know. They have an ugly side, which is endearing in some ways, yet best avoided. They start whining, crying, barking, digging at all the entryways, pacing, panting heavily, pooping inside the house, chewing on everything, and even try escaping. What a diva!

Watch Video: Rottweiler Pitbull Mix Angry Behavior

7. Pitweilers are very active dogs

These are high-energy canines. They need to play most of the time and have to be walked or taken for runs every day for one to two hours. They love an active task. Even if it is just digging at their designated spot in the yard. 60-90 minutes a day, of activity, will keep them happy. They must release all that pent up energy every day, or they could get cranky and aggressive.

Prott owners living in apartments, need to take them out in public on a leash as they can get aloof and not respond to a recall. It can get complicated and time-consuming if they decide to chill behind the bush by the wooden bench, while you spend half your day searching for them. If you cannot take them out, get creative at home. Create an obstacle course or shoot lasers on the wall, making them chase after the dancing lights. That ought to keep them healthy and happy at home.

8. Too much food can make its intestines knot up

Pitweiler pups eat more than the adults-4 small meals a day. Feed the full-grown dogs 2-3 small meals a day. Never give them one huge serving of food for the day. It can cause ‘Volvulus,’ a condition where their ‘intestine loops’ twist and knot upon itself, which can be fatal to the dog. See a vet immediately if this accidentally happens as kids love feeding animals, and if not supervised, can cause harm.

Feeding facts

  • Some Pitweilers are allergic to poultry and grains. Find chicken/grain-free dog food online or from your local seller.
  • They need high-quality dry dog food for large breeds.
  • Never feed it one hour before exercise.
  • The number of calories it consumes per day depends on the activity and size of the dog. Example of a 50lbs weighing dog’s calorie intake: in winter-2000kcal per day, in summer-1350kcal per day.
  • Vegetables and berries are some at-home food options for the dogs in an emergency where readymade dog food is not available.
  • Full-grown adult dogs need 1.6 grams of fat and 2.62 grams of protein per kg bodyweight.

9. Some rotten health facts of our Rotten-Pit friends

Breeders need to provide all the health and background certificates to reveal the health conditions of the pups or adult dogs they are selling. Every buyer needs to know this. It will prepare the buyer for anything that lies ahead regarding the dog’s health. Ordinarily, they still have to be taken regularly to the vet for general check-ups. The reason for this is they are prone to the following health conditions:

BONE DYSPLASIA: A condition that affects the joints (especially the hip joint) of this dog. It is a genetic condition where the joint is abnormally formed, leading to the dog being lame or having arthritis. Without proper care, it can get aggravated. If detected earlier, medical aid and physiological therapy can be given to the dog for a better prognosis in their walking abilities as they grow. That is why it is crucial to get dysplasia-related health certificates from breeders.

KNOTTED INTESTINES: Give them too much to eat at once, and watch them suffer from volvulus (gastric torsion), a condition where their intestinal loops twist on themselves. It can prove fatal for the dog.

BLINDNESS: These canines are prone to blindness if their cataract goes unchecked. Check older dogs regularly for cataract detection and correction.

AORTIC STENOSIS: This is a condition that reduces the blood flow because of the stiffening and narrowing of the Aortic artery in the heart. Reduced blood flow leads to overall compromise in the health of the dog’s body as the organs are not able to get nourished well with good blood supply.

ADDISON’S DISEASE: This condition is because of improper hormone release in the dog’s body. Proper hormonal regulation is necessary for proper bodily functions as simple as regulation of hunger, sleep, mood, bowel movements, etc.

ALLERGIES: Pitweilers sometimes suffer from ALLERGIES (ex: allergic to poultry) and dry skin conditions. Avoid regularly bathing them to prevent their skin from drying out excessively.

Most health conditions can be treated if caught early, or overcome with care.

10. Pitweilers are depression killers

Adult & Puppy Rottweiler Pitbull Mix

We need to have a release of happy hormones to live healthily. With the mental health world busy researching ways to treat depression, these dogs are a ready gift from nature. Their ancestors were called ‘nanny dogs’ for a reason. They are great companions to play and cuddle. They are great with kids and the vulnerable, who need a guide/guard dog.

A well-bred/trained/socialized Pitweiler is well-mannered and well-socialized from a young age, so there is no hassle when it comes to their behavior around people other than their owner, whom they care for. The trend of having comfort animals is here to stay, with the condition of the world we live in today, getting worse by the day. Happy hormones are released when one cuddles with one of these.

Pitweilers are not only loyal, strong, and protective, they’re goofy, soft-hearted, and very active. They can be the energy you need, making you laugh at their silliness, thereby, boosting your mood up, and calming you down when you need it. They are very intelligent and sensitive to their owners and surroundings. Depressed people sometimes don’t exercise, and having an active dog like Pitweilers can get them out of the house and active again.

11. Cost and maintenance of these dogs is reasonable

Initially for any dog, getting them vetted, tested, certified and all that jazz is going to cost you some. The Pitweiler is no different. Your first year might require some extra investment ($2000 approx.) in the rottweiler pitbull mixed cutie. These expenses include trips to the vet, medication, accessories, and food. After that, you can expect to spend anywhere between $1100-$1500 on the dog, depending on its health and food needs. A Prott puppy costs between $140-$900 from reputed breeders.

These are fairly low maintenance dogs. Brush their coat once a week and wash them once every month. That’s all the grooming they need. They do not shed much. In summer you may have to brush them twice a week. They need regular vet check-ups, and one or two hours of activity per day to keep them happy. Use anti-flea shampoos to keep parasites and fleas away. They need to be dewormed and checked for fleas especially if children are in the picture. Their ears need to be cleaned regularly. These dogs need strong collars and leashes as they have very solid and strong necks. They need to have their nails checked and clipped to ensure they don’t feel pain when they walk or run around as they are not wild dogs, whose nails naturally get buffed down in nature.

12. Pitweilers are banned in some places

While the awareness is being spread on the dog’s actual reputation, many a Rottie or Pittie have made it very hard for our Pitweiler friends. The reputation of their parents precedes them. Their parents, in the early days before doggy training schools were a thing in the mainstream dog owner community, were known to not be well-mannered. They were known to be aggressive and unfriendly dogs who had strong hard bites that many had experienced.

Because of this, many countries passed laws on the ownership and breeding of these dogs, making it illegal in some municipalities. Even in the areas where they are allowed, there are lots of restrictions and rules to keep in mind and follow. Checking your local laws regarding the same is advised before exploring the owning of a Pitweiler as a pet.

13. Training and socializing them early is a must

As discussed above, their parents were known to have traits that are very aggressive and fierce. Pitweilers are no different. If anything, it is possible for them to acquire the worst of both parents. This is why training and socializing a Pitweiler pup at an early age is very necessary. This helps them to grow into well-mannered, intuitive dogs, who are socially pleasing to be around, even with strangers.

Different training programs exist for different purposes. Depending on the outcome you desire, you can choose the training program. Training and socializing the pups can help channel their aggression, and protective instincts in the right direction, making them more friendly and less vicious as they grow older.

14. Breeders need to be carefully selected when shopping for a Pitweiler

A good breeder will not overcharge you. He/she will present all the necessary documents such as the medical background of the parents, and legal documents associated with the process. Allowing you to meet the parents of the pup will not be a problem for a genuine Pitweiler breeder. They will be ok with an online transfer of money, should you choose to do so for security reasons.

Watch how well trained the parents are, and how they behave with the breeder when he/she interacts with them. If the parents are not responding well to commands, that is a red flag and you should proceed with caution. Observing the parents’ behavior will give you an insight into how the pup will behave as they grow older.

15. Pitweilers are used by law officers

In ancient times, the Pitweilers’ parent breeds (Rotties and Pitties), were used as guard and guide dogs. They were also used to pull butcher carts and carry money around their necks as a safe way to carry and protect cash from looters. These dogs were bred to protect and herd cattle, as well as bait bulls and bears. The personality traits that afforded them to fulfill these duties towards their masters, were that of courage, discipline, their ability to follow commands, their alertness, sensitivity, loyalty, physical strength, and intelligence.

In the modern world, Pitweilers have found a place in the service to their country by working actively in the military, and with the police in search and rescue teams. They are used as security personnel for high profile people, and to guard important buildings and valuable assets.

What we should take away from all this:

Pitweilers have found a place in this world and there is a movement by Rottie and Pittie dog lovers, around the globe to change the misconceptions surrounding these dogs. More people promote awareness for Pitweilers and their parents and are wanting to own them and learn about them. They are some of the sweetest, most useful dogs to own as pets, that help brings the family together as well as helping guard you when you need it.

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