December 7

100 Popular Dog Names in 2020


100 Popular Dog Names

Roll over Rover! There are a lot more popular dog names in 2020 that you may not have ever considered before.

More than likely, you or someone you know has rescued or purchased a new pet recently. The coronavirus caused people to stay home a lot more than normal and many of us chose to adopt pets from animal shelters. Particularly, many people adopted a new dog to help them stay happy through the pandemic.

Like most of us, you’re probably curious about the cute and cuddly names that these parents gave to their newest pets. To help you get a better glimpse of the most popular dog names in 2020, we decided to round up a long list of these exciting names so that you don’t have to try and figure them out yourself.

Do You Have a New Pup in Your Life in Need of a Name?

Some Classic Dog

For the most part, if you’re trying to come up with a great name for your new puppy or rescue dog, we definitely have a huge list of some very popular choices. In fact, as I mentioned already, these choices are the most popular picks for the year 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic.

Discovering the best name for your new furry little companion is typically what a dog owner will do in the very beginning. Similar to baby names, the trends change for popular dog names. In the past you would have a classic name like Spot or Fido that was very popular for a long time. But now things are different and the trends are different. Maybe you might even consider naming your dog after your favorite TV character or character in a novel.

Some Classic Dog Names Never Seem to Get Old

As mentioned, there are plenty of  classic dog names like Jack, Buddy, Charlie, or Ellie  that never seem to go out of style. These names have been around for a long time and they will continue to survive for many years to come.

 Other classic names are those inspired by beings from Greek and Roman mythology like Athena, Apollo, Thor, Zeus, and Loki to name a few of the better ones.  These names typically end up on a top 100 popular dog names list. Will they end up on this list? Keep reading to find out.

Other classic choices come from favorite characters in the movies. Rocky is a prime example because many people like to name their pup after the classic boxing character played by Sylvester Stallone.

Overall, please learn the 2020 most popular dog names – there are 100 of them – that dog owners tended to gravitate toward this year.

2020 Most Popular Dog Names

  1. Apollo
  2. Abby
  3. Rona
  4. Covi
  5. Cupid
  6. Fauci
  7. Legend
  8. Beyoncé
  9. Mila
  10. Chrissy
  11. Ashton
  12. Tiger
  13. King
  14. RuPaul
  15. Jinx
  16. Sonja
  17. Carol
  18. Geralt
  19. Mando
  20. Hartley
  21. Alexa
  22. Midas
  23. Tart
  24. Whiskey
  25. Rose
  26. Gimlet
  27. Bear
  28. Seiter
  29. Waffles
  30. Toast
  31. Priya
  32. Rick
  33. Adam
  34. Sparky
  35. Gianna
  36. Kobe
  37. Mamba
  38. Black Mamba
  39. Charger
  40. Steeler
  41. Daisy
  42. Bandit
  43. Alice
  44. Angel
  45. Bo
  46. Bingo
  47. Chewy
  48. Eddie
  49. Ginger
  50. Gracie
  51. Frankie
  52. Gizmo
  53. Jada
  54. Jenna
  55. Huck
  56. Jasper
  57. Jesse
  58. Kelsey
  59. Chloe
  60. Logan
  61. Lexi
  62. Marley
  63. Luke
  64. Mickey
  65. Nero
  66. Matilda
  67. Noah
  68. Pablo
  69. Radar
  70. Noel
  71. Rex
  72. Peaches
  73. Rudy
  74. Rufus
  75. Piper
  76. Sarge
  77. Raven
  78. Simba
  79. Spike
  80. Savannah
  81. Trapper
  82. Star
  83. Sweetie
  84. Tootsie
  85. Willow
  86. Violet
  87. Ziggy
  88. Zelda
  89. Yogi
  90. Yoshi
  91. Woody
  92. Sugar
  93. Shadow
  94. Rose
  95. Sammy
  96. Dean
  97. Rockwell
  98. Rebel
  99. Rascal
  100. Mocha


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